Choreographer – Alexandra Beller

What exactly does a choreographer do and how is that different from a dancer or producer? Is the dance just for music videos or for plays and other stuff? Do you have to be a dancer to be a choreographer? What are some of the craziest things that happen while doing this job? What do you do if the dancers keep changing your moves? When should a kid be looking into the filed of choreography? All these questions are answered and so much more by professional choreographer Alexandra Beller! You can visit to learn about her work.

Outdoor Missionary – Michael Batenburg

What is an outdoor missionary? What is the job of a Chaplain? Are outdoor adventure trip expensive? How does your program help people seek servant leadership with outdoor teachings? Are there animals on these adventures? What main idea do you want your adventurers to leave with? All these questions and so much more will be answered by owner of Back to Basics Adventures, Micael Batenburg. You can visit to learn about more about his adventures.

Shaman – Dale Allen-Rowse

What is a Shaman? Do you heal like in World of Warcraft? Can you talk to plants? How old do you have to be to be a Shaman? Can you talk to dead people? Is it scary when you are doing a healing? How did you go from a Broadway actor in ballet to a Shaman? What is the most misunderstood part about being a Shaman? All these and so much more will be answered by Shaman Dale Allen-Rowse.

Orphanage Missionary – Dana Hagstrom

What exactly is a Missionary to Mexican children at an Orphanage? Why did you go to Mexico? How many kids are there? Are there really kids just waiting for a rich guy to adopt them like in the movie “Annie”? Do you have to pay for your own expenses to visit and help the orphanage? Do the kids get to go to school? At what age do they leave, and do they HAVE to leave? What supplies does the orphanage need the most? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Dana Hagstrom. You can visit to learn more about her and her projects.

Guitar Teacher – Phry McDustan

How does one get started as a guitar teacher? Do you have to be good? What types of music do you have to learn? What about the guitar got you hooked? Is there a reason that some of your songs don’t have someone singing? How do you setup in different locations to perform and shoot your videos? What did your family say when you told them you wanted to be a musician? All these questions and so much more will be asked by professional guitar instructor and musician, Phry McDustan, all the way from Germany!! You can visit and listen to a lot of his music.

Artist – Susan Drayton

What does an artist do? How do you get your ideas on what to create? Why should people looking into making art? How does art make a real difference to the world today? Is being an artist a good business to get into? If I wanted to be an artist what steps should I take to get started. All these questions and so much more will be answered by Art Educator and Artist Susan Drayton. You can visit and learn all about her work.

9-1-1 Director Barry Furey

What is a 9-1-1 Director and how is that different from an Operator? How many different jobs are in a 9-1-1 center? What type stuff do you track on all those monitors in your control room? What kind of training do you need to work at a 9-1-1 center, does it require college? What is the best way to report an emergency and use the 9-1-1 service? When should a kid call 9-1-1? All these questions and so much more will be answered by 9-1-1 Director and Fire officer Barry Furey. You can visit and learn all about his consulting and training system.

Content Producer – Rebecca Chandler

What is a content producer for commericals and TV shows? Are you provided with a starting point or direction or do you have to make everything up yourself? How long does it take to produce say a 30 second commercial? What is the most misunderstood part about your business? It says you are also an author, how do you have the time to right a book? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Author and Global Content Producer Rebecca Chandler!! You can visit to learn all about her books and business.

Bucket List Crosser-off Roger Williams

What is a head crosser-off of bucket list items and what is a bucket list? Aren’t most bucket list item expensive? How do you get the money to do the larger items? What is some of the coolest items that people have put on their bucket list? Can a kid start a bucket list? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Head crosser-off of bucket list items Rogar Williams. You can listen to his podcast at and learn about crossing stuff of your bucket list.

Sports Reporter – Anne Montgomery

What is a sports reporter and how is that different from a sports caster? What kinda of sports did you report on? How did your peers treat you as the first woman sports reporter? As a officiator of games, did you get to make or change the rules? Did you ever have to review the fottage of a play to deal with a disagreement? What was more rewarding officiating over a game or reporting on it? All these questions and so much more will be answered by sports reporter Anne Montegomery. You can visit for more information about her and her books.