Father (The Computer Guy) – JoeBoy

What does it take to be a Father? Why is being a father important to the world? What is the hardest part about being a Dad? Why should a kid look forward to growing up and being a father? Do you need any training to be a good Dad? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Owner of Your Computer Solutions and Father of Tiberius, JoeBoy! You can visit www.yourcomputersolutions.com to learn more about his business.

Kyle Hannah

Sci-Fi Author – Kyle Hannah

What exactly is a Sci-Fi Writer? Where do you get your story ideas? How is Sci-Fi difference from like romance or mystery? Are e-books becoming more popular than hard cover books? As the co-founder of Jump Master Press which is a publishing company, what is the hardest part about publishing a book? What is the most misunderstood part about the publishing business? How did you come up with the name Jump Master Press? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Sci-Fi author and co-founder of Jump Master Press, Kyle Hannah!! You can learn more about his books at https://www.jumpmasterpress.com/ and see all his other authors.