The Tiberius Show EP 239 Izzy Vaden

Why do people get into professional wrestling? Does it hurt? What is the most misunderstood part about your job? Do you have a day job? Where do you get all those crazy outfits? Do fans try to challenge you? What is the one fight that you will never forget? All these questions and so much more will be answered by The Lifeguard Izzy Vaden!!! Izzy will be a part of the Radical Rumble This week!!

The Tiberius Show EP 238 Toby Dorr

Did you really put a prisoner in a dog crate and help his escape from prison? How long were you on the run? What did the police do when they caught up with you? Now you are famous with news stories and even a DATELINE show, what are you doing now? All these questions and so much more will be answered by women’s advocate Toby Dorr. Be sure to check out her latest book!!

The Tiberius Show EP 237 Warren Davis

How does someone start making a video game? Did you know Q-bert was going to be a hit? Was it really called snots and boogers? How did it feel to be inducted into the International VideoGame Hall of Fame? What is your favorite video game? How do you feel about people making clones of your game? Do you think designers have it easier or harder now they have scratch and other visual coding systems? All these questions and so much more will be answered by the creator of the classic game Q*bert, Warren Davis.

The Tiberius Show EP 236 JP Van Dyke

What does a payroll tax expert do? How had COVID 19 affected payroll taxes and what are they doing about it? What is the difference between a w2 employee and a subcontractor? What is the Cares Act? Why should people care about The Cares Act? Does that money go to the employee or to the business? How does that make the world a better place? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Payroll Tax Expert JP Van Dyke!!

The Tiberius Show EP 235 Steve Morse

How do you get ideas of the designs to make climbing walls and clip and climbing attractions? Can you get hurt and fall? How does the company that gets your attraction make any money? Do you have small versions for indoor use? What is the craziest thing that has happened while building these types of attractions? What is your favorite theme that you can apply to these attractions? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Steven Morse from RCI Adventures. They make Clip and Climbing Attractions along with Sky Trails, Rails, and even MAZES!!

The Tiberius Show EP 234 Toni Kaufman

What is a casting director? Is there a secret to getting on Family Feud? Did you really really teach a president how to copy and paste? What is the Stand out Stars Week of Kindness? What is the most fun part about all the jobs you have done? What is a Speakers Bureau? All these questions and so much more will be answered by casting director and IT trainer Toni Kaufman. Toni is also the creator of the Stand out Stars Week of Kindness summit!!

The Tiberius Show EP 233 Stephanie D Sanders

How does a songwriter get their ideas? Can those same skills be used for acting and screenwriting? When did you get in to the entertainment industry? Does being a Gospel singer make you the Jesus performer? What would make your job easier? All these questions and so much more will be answered by singer songwriter, Stephanie D. Sanders!!

The Tiberius Show EP 232 Alec Eddinger

What is an SQL and why does it need a manger? How does being a healthcare analyst help make the world a better place? What kind of reports do you create for the healthcare industry? Why would anyone WANT to be an analyst? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Healthcare Analyst Alec Eddinger. Plus he love board games!!!!

The Tiberius Show EP 231 David-Matthew Barnes

What is an screenwriter, How is that different from someone that writes a book? Which is more fun to do? How do you get the ideas of how you want to write the screen plays and the instructions for the actors? What are the best Disney movies of all time? All these questions and so much more will be answered by movie critic and screenwriter David-Matthew Barnes!! If you want to be a writer, you have to listen to this one.

The Tiberius Show EP 230 JB Webb

What is an executive producer and how did you become one? What training do you need to be a radio personality.? How did you create your own radio network? Everyone tells me Radio is dead, why are people still listening? All these questions and so much more will be answered by JB Webb from WJBW Networks in STUDIO!!!!