The Tiberius Show EP 219 Mitchell Levy

What is a Global Creditibility expert and why do people need to hire one? Why did you get interested in credibility? What is credibility and why does it matter? What is a ghostwriter? Do you get to scare people? Why do people hire a ghostwriter instead of writing stuff for themselves? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Global Credibility Expert and ghostwriter Mitchell Levy. Learn all sorts of new stuff this week!!

The Tiberius Show EP 218 Vince Spinnato

What does a cosmetic chemist do? How do you know how to work with your nose? Do you make perfumes for famous people? Why did you have to get your nose Certified and what does that mean? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Vince Spinnato. Vince is a Cosmetic Chemist and has a Certified Nose which means he really KNOWS what something smells like.

The Tiberius Show EP 217 Ted Slauson

What is a Mathematics Assessment Specialist? Did you really get a perfect score on the Price is Right? How did you memorize all the prices on the show? Did you really get a kiss from the prettiest girl on the show? How do you get ideas to make up the questions for the FCAT or other tests? What was the best part about being on the Price is Right? These questions and so much more will be answered by Mr. Ted Slauson, the mathematics assessment specialist that has worked on varied school programs and the man responsible for the only perfect score on the Price is Right!!! You can see his documentary on Netflix!!!

The Tiberius Show EP 216 Shiraz

What is energetic magic? Can you show me an energy ball? What does a Reality Shifting Specialist do? What can it do for someone like me? Does it really work? What is the coolest thing that you got to fix by using reality shifting? All these questions and so much more will be answered by author and Reality Shifting Specialist Shiraz!!! Learn how to shift your reality and how it can change your life!! Oh and he wrote a cool book as well.

The Tiberius Show EP 215 Paul Louis Lessard

What does it take to be a Broadway performer? How many hours a day do you have to practice? What kind of work do you have to do backstage when you are not in front of all the people? Is there really a big difference between Broadway and other stages? What was the once performance that you enjoyed the most? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Broadway performer Paul Louis Lessard!! Paul played HEROD in the Broadway musical hit Jesus Christ Superstar!!

The Tiberius Show EP 214 Brian Coleman

What is a trial consultant? Does it really make the difference between a win and someone going to jail? Why do lawyers need someone to help them out? Do you have to stay in the courtroom all the time during the trial? Does the lawyers really get to scream and yell like they do on TV? What happens when something goes wrong? All these questions and so much more will be answered by trial consultant and owner of In2trial Trial, support Services.

The Tiberius Show EP 213 Aaron Leung

What is a virtual and holographic expert? What exactly is a holographic and virtual environment? Why do fortune 500 companies need virtual worlds? Does it cost a lot, or could I be a hologram? How are these virtual and holographic environments used in the everyday world? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Virtual and holographic Expert, Aaron Leung. Aaron is also an award winning TedX speaker!!!!

The Tiberius Show EP 212 Doug Setter

What is a United Nations peacekeeper? Do you have to be in the military to be able to be a peacekeeper? Does it take a lot of formal training? What type of tasks do peacekeepers have to do each day? What is the greatest challenge most peacekeepers are dealing with today? All these questions and so much more will be answered by former United Nations peacekeeper and military instructor, Doug Setter. Doug is also a certified fitness instructor and author of “Flat Gut After COVID”!!

The Tiberius Show EP 211 Rachel Seavey

What is a hoarder? How is Chronic Disorganization different from just having a messy room? Is working with hoarders a good business to be in? Do you pick what stays or does the person have to be there with you? It is like what we see on TV? What can I do to be more organized and to be sure that i don’t turn into a hoarder? All these questions and so much more will be answered by professional organizer that specializes with Hoarders and Chronic Disorganization, Rachel Seavey!! This is going to be interesting.

The Tiberius Show EP 210 Ollie Phipps

What is a private investigator? What kinds of things do you investigate? Do you ever fall asleep while doing surveillance? What was that one case that you are most proud of? Do you ever run out of gas when you are following someone? These questions and so much more will be answered by former Special Agent,ower of A very private eye, and state-licensed Private investigator, Ollie Phipps. This is going to be very interesting.