Entries by The Tiberius Show

The Tiberius Show EP 74 Aretha Simons

The amazing Aretha Simons who is currently running for Florida House of Representatives. They talk about running a company supporting non-profits. Tiberius and Aretha talk about how kids can learn more about politics and how our government works. They discuss differences in election turn out over the years as well as the virtue of Leadership.

The Tiberius Show EP 73 Janelle Hom

Janelle Hom from the American Lung Association talks with Tiberius about smoking and vaping. They discuss why it is an issue in the US and what you can do about it. Of coarse they do some math together and go over a cool video game and well they had alot of fun.

The Tiberius Show EP 71 Solar Bears

Zach Cunningham and Chris Carmichael from the Orlando Solar Bears visit the studio to talk about ticketing and hockey. They discuss a video game about hockey and a book about Muskox. They talk about how they use Obedience and leadership at work as well as how math is used in the sport of Hockey!!

The Tiberius Show EP 69 Jennifer Yon

So Jennifer Yong visits the show to talk about her magazine!! IBA Success magazine and they talk about the math in publishing, a book about Loons, and a video about about dancing to music as well as how important it is to be obedient to those with authority over you.

The Tiberius Show EP 66 Jennifer Stinnett

Special Guest Jennifer Stinnett joins Tiberius to discuss how to increase your influence on social media and get more followers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They talk about a video game, do some math about percentages and talk about this thing called My Space.

The Tiberius Show EP 65 Erin Panzella

This weeks special guest is Erin Panzella from Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children!! She talks about being a Child Life Specialist and how she used the Starlight Experience for children to make certain procedures much easier to work with.