Entries by The Tiberius Show

Stasha Boyd- Audi Description Maker

What exactly is an audio description and how did you find a job making them? What type of people need this service? Is this just needed for certain venues or all over the place? What is the best part about making audio descriptions for events and parks? Do you think audio descriptions will allow blind […]

Podcast Host – Bob Phipps

What exactly does a podcast host do? What type of training do you need to be a podcast host? Why did you decide to host your own podcast? What is it all about? Why should kids get involved in broadcasting? Why did you select politics to be the subject of your podcast? What do you […]

Carnival games – Andy Wertz

So what is a manufacture of Carnival games and why did you call your company WertzWerkz? How do you get your ideas of games to design and make? How long does it take to make up a carnival game? What is the coolest game that you have made? What type of skills do you need […]

Car Wrapper – Ben Swanson

What exactly is a car wrapper, do you make songs about cars? What go you interested in graphics for cars? How do you get your ideas of what to create? What type of company needs a car wrap? Does my Dad need one? Do you ever make a car wrap that never get put on […]

Curriculum Developer – Crystal Gifford

What exactly is curriculum development? What made you interested in designing systems for content creators? How did you go from this to public speaking? What is the hardest part about creating these types of systems for your clients? What did you wish you knew earlier? All these questions and so much more will be answered […]

Couch Expert – Zak Levesque

What exactly is a couch expert? Do you repair them? How can you trade a couch? Why do people have couches, like what is the point of them? What are some of the most common pitfalls that people do with their couches? Why would my listeners want to grow up and be a couch expert? […]

Truck Driver – Jibreel Ali

What exactly does a truck driver do? Do you have to load or unload your truck? What kind of things do you deliver? What is the coolest thing you have ever transported? How long is your average trip? Do you listen to podcast or attempt to learn stuff while you are driving? What is one […]