Entries by The Tiberius Show

The Tiberius Show Episode 35 Lindsay Bettis

The Tiberius Show Episode 35 Lindsay Bettis Miss Orlando joins the show and talks about Best Buddies and what it is like to be a pageant winner. Tiberius review Ghost Simulator and an Ameila Bedeila Book. They talk about being obedient at work and home and what can happen if you are not. Finally they […]

The Tiberius Show Episode 34 Karen Kuzsel

The Tiberius Show Episode 34 Karen Kuzsel Karen is a psychic entertainer and talks with Tiberius about Space Justice as cell phone game, Amelia Bedelia, how to find the area of a triangle, and how obedience can be used in your everyday life. Tiberius learns what a psychic is and how it can be entertaining […]

The Tiberius Show Episode 32 Chris Florence

The Tiberius Show Episode 32 Chris Florence Tiberius talk with Chris Florence who is a filmmaker that happens to be Christian. He creates movies with a christian message, but not follow the normal christian movie style. A Marketing expert and director this guy does it all. Tiberius reviews Quake III from id Software and The […]

The Tiberius Show Episode 31 Tom Traxler

The Tiberius Show Episode 31 Tom Traxler Tiberius talks to Tom Traxler, head coach of the Orlando SeaWolves indoor soccer team. They talk about Tom’s favorite video game, what it is like to be a coach, leadership skills, and how to work on being a better sports caster.

The Tiberius Show Episode 27 with Rob Henlon

The Tiberius Show Episode 27 with Rob Henlon CEO of Fierce Entertainment Management and Co-Founder of Orlando International Fashion Week, Ron Henlon, drops by the show to chat with Tiberius about a new event they are holding at the Fashion Square Mall and all things art. Tiberius reviews a new book and talks about bowling […]