Entries by The Tiberius Show

Stage Manager – Gabrielle Snyder

What exactly does a stage manager do and who do stages need to be managed? How do you from stage management to making jewelry? What kind of jewelry do you make? How do you drill right into dice? What is more fun making stuff or being a stage manager? What is that one show that […]

Culinary Instructor Marcie Macari

What exactly does a Culinary Instructor do? What got you interested in teaching people to cook? What type of disabilities do your clients have and why do they need special training to feed themselves? How do you go from being a culinary instructor to a speaker on a stage? All these questions and so much […]

Pool Designer – John Florer

What exactly does a pool designer do? Do you have to add safety features so they pools are safe for kids? How long does it take to design a new pool? Does it take longer to design a pool or to build the pool? What are the most common challenges that you face when designing […]

Solar Bear – Tom Lehm

What exactly is a Solar Bear, I thought they played hockey? How does solar save people money after paying for the panels, and installation and interest for the loan, how long does it take to be saving money? What is the hardest part about working in the solar industry? What is one thing about solar […]

Physical Therapist – Tara Gibson

What exactly is a Physical Therapist and how is that different from a normal therapist that you talk to? What kind of injury requested the use of someone of your profession? How did you learn about this profession, and why were you drawn to it? Does it take a lot of training to be able […]

Head of School – Dr. Aaron Farrant

How have you seen me grow over the last 7 years that you have known me? Do you like how the show has changed over the years.? How has your job changed over these seven years? Do you think removing the reviews to give more time to the guest was a good idea? If you […]

Movie Producer – TK Hinkle

What exactly does a movie producer do and how is that different from a director? How long does it take to produce the content for a one hour movie? What types of movies do you like to create? What is the most misunderstood part about making movies? How did you learn to drive a forklift? […]

End Abusive Coaching – Mitch Lyons

What exactly is the End abusive Coaching cause? So how do you make a coach stop abuse? What if they decide not to listen to you, or ignore you? What is the line of crossing from not abuse to abuse? How does this work improve the lives of kids? How can kids that are listen […]

Man of a Thousand Voices – Joel Gibbs

What exactly is a man of 1000 voices? How many voices can you really do? How did you learn you could create other people’s voices? How do you decide on a voice to work on next? Can you do anyone’s voice like me or my Dad? If you could talk to any historical person and […]

Space Team Captain – Henry Smith

What exactly is a SpaceTeam Captain? What got you interested in making your own video games? Have you worked with any big companies? How is working for yourself different than with a large company? Why do you think most games should be free? What is the hardest part about working as an indie game developer? […]