Entries by The Tiberius Show

The Tiberius Show EP 164 Suzanne Lynn

Suzanne Lynn is a radio personality that runs a business that handles book promotion. How does one get into the book promotion business? Why do books need to be promoted? How do you make people learn about and read more books? And what does book promotion have anything to do with flying drone? All these […]

The Tiberius Show EP 163 Joe Lampp

What does a professional axe thrower do? How big of an axe do you throw? How does one throw an axe? Do you ever worry about chopping off a finger or toe? All these questions and so much more are answered by our expert axe thrower Joe Lampp. Learn about integrity and exponents as well […]

The Tiberius Show EP 162 Krystral Parker

What is a Christian Chamber of Commerce and how is that different from a normal Chamber of Commerce? Why do you think this job is important? What is the craziest thing that has happened what you are at work? Why do companies need a consultant? All these are so much more are answered by Krystal […]

The Tiberius Show EP 161 Steven Amos

What is a wish vacation? How do critically ill children get to get away from it all? What kind of things do they do? What is the most challenging part of doing your job? These questions and so much more this week with Steven Amos from Give Kids the World which provides wish vacations to […]

The Tiberius Show EP 160 Haley Maynard

What does a Fitness Trainer do? Why don’t people just go to PE? What kind of training do you need to be a Personal Trainer? These questions and so much more are answered by Haley Maynard from Tennessee!! During COVID she changed jobs and now is working as an actress and producers. How does that […]

The Tiberius Show EP 159 Ramces Rouzard

What is an Emcee? How does someone get into the film industry? Well Ramces Rouzard is just the guy to answer these questions and so much more. Ramces is a TV Host, Director, Producer and an Emcee!!!! He even has a show that airs on PBS!!! The Reflection Show. If you want to learn about […]

The Tiberius Show EP 158 GW Tolley

TV Host, Self Publishing author, and hear impaired advocate GW Tolley visits the show and talks about all the jobs that he does. How does someone juggle all those jobs? Does anything every get mixed up? What is the best part about doing so many things? All those and more will be answered today on […]

The Tiberius Show EP 157 Joe Burridge

What does a DJ do? Is it a fun job to make a crowd go wild? How does equipment do you need to get started? Do you need a lot of training just to play music? Well Joe Burridge from Birmingham UK will explain all about this amazing industry and his work as DJ JLB!!! […]

The Tiberius Show EP 156 Emily Hanna

How do you safely cross the street. It may seem simple but many people get hit by cars when crossing the street. Emily Hanna is the executive director of Bike/Walk Central Florida which works on making sure the public knows how to increase the safety of people crossing the street or riding their bikes.

The Tiberius Show EP 155 Ted Bogert

Ted Bogert started a community called Ted’s Community which raised awareness to all sorts of non-profits and people he cared about. He took that idea and moved it to a Facebook LIVE hit show. This week Tiberius gets to learn all about broadcasting LIVE, the good the bad the crazy!! Also they get to review […]